PSP Wallpaper Maker 1.0 is software used to make wallpapers for PSP gaming console devices. This software helps to create wallpapers in a few minutes time. Images can be imported within the software. These can be your own images, pictures or photos.
There are some in-built tools which can be used to customize and enhance the image. These images can be then saved in a PSP format and can be uploaded to the console device later. It helps in personalizing the PSP without any extra help needed. The software supports certain image formats like JPG/JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP etc. It also features the ability to stretch, zoom, rotate and resize the images. The images can be made fascinating by adding text watermark to it. The font color and the position in which the watermark would be placed can be easily customized. The output quality and the size in accordance to the quality can be saved within the software itself.
PSP Wallpaper Maker helps users to customize and personalize their own wallpapers and images for PSP handheld gaming console. It is easy to use and can rotate the images as well. The software can be used to upload the wallpaper on your device in a simple manner.